Most of us go through life encountering fears. Some people avoid it but it keeps popping up occasionally. Some people face it and live a fearless life. Some people dominate the fear and for some, fear dominates them. It becomes even worse when we stack those fears and live a fearful life, being cautious and fearful every moment of our life.
What creates the problem is the phobia of the fear, not the fear. There is a little difference between a fear and a phobia, and it’s very important to know the difference.
What is a Phobia?
A fear is an emotional response to a real or perceived threat. It is a reaction to danger that involves both the mind and the body. On the other hand, a phobia is an intense, excessive and unreasaonable fear, where the fear is far out of proportion to the actual danger, or harm, that is possible.
So, let’s say you see a snake infront of you – you get frightened and want to protect yourself by staying away from it. That’s fear. But the person with a phobia of snake will freak out even just by looking at the picture of a snake, or a real snake at a distance. That’s phobia.
If you belong to the latter category, the reason you freak out or become scared is because the brain does not think in words, it sees pictures and when you have a phobia of any thing, the picture is horrible and you create that picture. You actually respond to the picture you have created, not the thing.
Let’s look at some common phobias:
1. Acrophobia → Fear of heights
2. Achluophobia → Fear of darkness
3. Agliophobia → Fear of pain
4. Arachnophobia → Fear of spiders
5. Aviophobia → Fear of flying
6. Dentophobia → Fear of dentists
7. Dromophobia → Fear of crossing streets
8. Hydrophobia → Fear of water
9. Necrophobia → Fear of death
10. Phasmophobia → Fear of ghosts
11. Epistemophobia → Fear of knowledge
12. Euphobia → Fear of hearing good news
for more common phobias visit
When Franklin Roosevelt said, “The only thing we have to fear is the fear itself”, he was describing phobophobia, the fear of being afraid.
How does it work?
Our sympathetic nervous system produces a hormone called adrenaline when we face danger. This excess adrenaline prepares us to fight or take flight in the face of physical threat. This fight or flight response includes an increase in heart rate and blood flow to our large muscles, better enabling us to react to the emergency. It also increases our blood sugar. Now because phobias are a programmed response in the mind, they can be effectively dealt with NLP.
The fast phobia cure method is an quick process to overcome your phobias. It doesn’t delete or remove any phobic memories, rather it alters them so that they don’t cause you the emotional turmoil that they once did.
Associating into our memories causes us to re-experience the emotions. On the other hand, dissociating from the memories usually removes the emotion of that memory.
The NLP phobia cure process works on the power of double dissociation, which is the key behind this amazing process.
We teach and do the live demonstrations at our practitioner program. Sign up for a NLP Practitionar Program to see for yourself.
Just imagine how your life would be if you unleashed your potential by getting rid of what is holding you back.
So are you ready to overcome your phobias now?