About NLP

About NLP

NLP is the study of our thinking, behaviour and language patterns to help us build sets of strategies for everything we do – for making decisions, building relationships, starting up a business, coaching a team of people, inspiring and motivating others, creating balance in our lives, negotiating our way through the day and, above all, learning how to learn.

Neuro: It refers to our brain and our physiology. We learn habits, some of which we need to get by in life: how to walk and talk, how to breathe, how to drive, how to ride a bike, how to eat, how to laugh and cry, and how to feel the way that we do. Most of our habits are stored in our unconscious mind and our muscles. Some will be for the better and some will be for the worse. By increasing our awareness of the patterns in our thinking and movement, we can learn how we are influencing the results we are getting in work and in life more generally.

Linguistic: It refers to the language that we use to communicate with ourselves and others. We typically think of our verbal language, but we also have our non-verbal language, which is a ‘language’ of its own communicating important messages. Our language is an expression of our life. What we can say is what we can think and what we can do.

Programming: It is the way in which we put these patterns of thinking, language and behaviour together to get the results that we do – good and bad. We run our lives by strategies, in a similar way that a computer uses a program to achieve a specific result. By understanding those strategies we give ourselves choice: choice to do more of the same or choice to enhance our potential and our individual excellence.

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