Coaching Services

Coaching Services

Transformational Coaching

Let’s define Coaching:

A simple definition of Coaching is that it is a process to get more out of yourself than you can get on your own.

The ICF (gold standard) definition of coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.


Let’s define Change :

A change is a smooth transition of a human being into a new way of behaving.

It’s usually more straightforward for each of us to desire to change a specific behaviour, a habit, set goals, track and monitor progress and for 5% who do so, manage to sustain the change. From an organizational stand point, there is an increased awareness in Leaders to strategically plan change initiatives especially when project benefits hinge on people doing things differently – inclusive of changes to process, policies, job roles, structures and tools.


Let’s now define Transformation:

Transformation is an idea, where the deepest, most profound level of change takes place, whereby the ‘identity’ of the client shifts at the core level. The greatest analogy for this is when a caterpillar turns into a butterfly there is no scope for this butterfly to revert back to its original state of being as a caterpillar. Transformation is about bringing the internal mental model of a client into his/her awareness, exploring how he/she sees the world, their expectations, identifying their self-sabotaging blocks, their unconscious beliefs and values that govern their life choices on planet ; in order to create possibilities for a new way of ‘being’ thus leading into a more meaningful life.


What is Transformational Coaching?

If we have the time, the space, and permission to work at a level to question the underlying assumptions, patterns, behaviours, beliefs and change what no longer serves us/our clients, then everything else starts to shift having a ripple effect permeating into every dimension of their lives.

Love, Acceptance and Forgiveness forms 3 major values in freeing someone to take charge of their life. We teach our students the art of Reflective Thinking for both the coach and the client, which forms the central theme of Transformational Coaching.

The fundamental difference is that rather than explore what they are ‘doing’ to get the life they want, we focus on how the client is ‘being’, so they can attract what they truly deserve.

Reflective thinking is directed at uncovering personal blind-spots and to help one understand their thinking better. This is an exploratory and internally focused way of thinking or a tool that causes us to ‘think about thinking’.It is an active, persistent, and careful consideration of a belief or a value, an examination about the grounds that support such beliefs and values and to explore where newfound beliefs and values would potentially lead. As the coaching goes deep, we teach you on how the coach should generate a bit of discomfort to create a breakthrough in client’s thinking, which ultimately leads to their deep rooted transformation.


Why become a trained Transformational Coach with SK Consultancy

Here in SK Consultancy, We pride ourselves in teaching our students as to allow your head, heart and gut to have a voice and tune into client’s head, heart & gut while you actively listen. Our curriculum allows you to master a set of skills, attitudes and international competencies necessary in order to become truly professional in all kinds of coaching – life coaching, executive coaching, career coaching through the lens of a true transformational mindset in creating the life you desire & deserve.


Margao-Goa 403720
(Monday - Saturday)
(9:30am - 06 pm)

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